Portugal Trip

The time has finally come for an international trip! We are going to Portugal during the Easter holidays to get some sun and surf in, as well as for a much needed escape from England. There is also the chance to take surfing lessons or spend a day in Lisbon if you fancy a day off from surfing!

We will be staying at Aktion Surf Hostel in Ericeira, about a 10 minute walk from the beaches and 20 minute walk from the town, from March 26th to April 1st (6 nights). The price for the accommodation is around £100 per person. Then with all of the other costs such as surf kit hire/bringing your own kit, flights and airport transfers, we estimate the total price will be around £350 each. Once we have made the group, we will let you know the best options for flights and surf hire. Currently, the flights are around £50-60 with just hand luggage.

At the moment, there is also no Covid testing for going to Portugal or coming back to the UK as long as you have had your vaccines!

Remember, sign up fast as there are only 24 spaces available!

Ericeira, Portugal

March 26, 2022 - April 1, 2022



24 Spaces

Signup Feb. 17th 6 p.m.